Cheese it’s cold tonight!

If you haven’t realised it yet, I love cheese. Since I was a child and I used to press my nose against the cheese counter at the local delicatessen (often asking to try a little piece of the smelliest kinds, cheeky one I was), I loved the luscious creaminess of the fat melting in the mouth,…

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This week, it’s all about pairings and canapés

Tastes of Carolina - It's all about pairings and canapés

A few days ago, while perusing for a birthday present for a friend in the lovely Prep cooking shop in Stoke Newington, I came across a brilliant book. ‘The flavour Thesaurus‘ by Niki Segnit is a wonderful compendium of “pairings, recipes and ideas for the creative cook” packed full with an array of entertaining anecdotes…

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